Housing activity space reservations & management

Housing Activity Space Reservation

HRL Activity Space and Equipment Reservation Requests

HRL meeting spaces are managed by Conference Services. During the academic year, these spaces are available for student organizations, Georgia Tech staff, and Housing and Residence Life employees. Please note that requesting a reservation a does not guarantee an approval; selection is based on a process.

Reservation Process:

  1. Eligibility: Only student organizations, Georgia Tech staff, and Housing and Residence Life employees can request reservations. For student orgs, you must live in the area you are requesting a reservation for.
  2. Application: Submit a reservation request through the Conference Services portal.
  3. Review: All requests are reviewed based on availability, purpose, and alignment with our guidelines.
  4. Confirmation: Approved reservations will receive a confirmation email. If your request is not approved, you will be notified with possible alternatives.

Important Notes:

  • We expect reservations to be made more than 7 days in advance.
  • Conference Services has limited student employees who assist with set up, therefore it is important that reservations are made sooner, rather than later to guarantee a special set up.
  • In exceptional cases, we may be able to accommodate reservations with at least 3 days’ notice.
  • For interviews or additional space needs, please contact the Student Center. (https://studentcenter.gatech.edu/reservable-spaces)


Housing Spaces

We also manage space reservations for Brittan Rec and Curran LLC Classroom. Those reservations go through EMS.